Thursday 22 August 2013

Teeth whitening remedies

Your teeth are going to gradually darken with age, however additional elements also can lead to yellowing. With getting older, the enameled surface on tooth tends to be thinner and lighter and much more translucent and the interior layer, known as dentin, appears darker. Teeth additionally soak up colorful fluids during your lifetime. The chromogenic elements in caffeinated drinks and herbal tea, nerve deterioration as a result of an injury, or some antibiotics could be the cause. The majority of dental professional clinics nowadays promote teeth whitening to their consumers, you can also investment in whitening products.


Strawberries can possibly help whiten teeth for the reason that they are consist of an enzyme known as malic acid, that could be contained in certain whitening toothpastes. You can actually mash up the strawberry or simply brush it on the teeth, chop in half. Keep the fruit juice on the teeth for just one minute after that wash with drinking water. Skin and implant dentistry professional, concluded, that the fibers in strawberries additionally acts like an organic clean solution eliminating microorganisms from the teeth and also oral cavity. Rub strawberry onto the teeth or perhaps create a toothpaste from strawberry. You must brush your teeth instantly with toothpaste after brashing with strawberry, since strawberry has acids and glucose which really can be bad for your teeth.


Apples, carrots together with celery behave similar to organic stain removers. They improve saliva creation, which happens to be the body's integrated washing component. These particular foods are rich in vitamin C, which helps to prevent periodontal condition as well as gingivitis.


Citrus fruits, for example oranges as well as pineapples, as well contribute to the oral cavity to generate additional saliva, that really help wash the teeth and also whiten the smile. Lemons, particularly, are extremely beneficial to teeth whitening. Lemons are going to lighten up and brighten up your teeth and also we recommended washing with fifty percent drinking water, fifty percent fresh lemon juice a couple of times per week. On the other hand, you should not wash using this mixture a lot more than twice per week and never wash with pure fresh lemon juice. Overdoing it could be extremely acidic and this can be destructive to the tooth enamel.


Milk products contain lactic acid, which reduces periodontal disease and also controls growth and preservation of teeth. Furthermore the milk in a cup of coffee matters also it carries the additional value of reducing coffee's discoloration capability. In addition to preserving and improving the teeth enamel, hard cheeses, such as cheddar, are definitely more powerful for scrubbing and whitening the teeth compared to soft cheeses, because hard cheese assists to get rid of additional nutrition contaminants. And also remember that milk products with calcium and also vitamin D are essential not just for healthful teeth also your jaw to, the base structure for the teeth.


Most of the health professionals determined that baking soda is among the most powerful and least risky whitening components available due to the fact it's an acid neutralizer that carefully eliminates stains and accumulation from the teeth enamel. In case this gentle abrasive substance is not yet blended into your toothpaste, you could possibly spread a little over your toothpaste. Baking soda is among the tooth whiteners that not just whitens but additionally cleanses out. It really has been useful for whitening from hundreds of years, prior to the discovery of toothpastes. Everything you need to do is get a little bit of baking soda and then make a toothpaste by adding a bit of drinking water along with a little bit of of salt inside it. Scrub brush your teeth using this toothpaste in a traditional way. After brushing, wash your oral cavity appropriately, to take away all of the baking soda away from the oral cavity. Baking soda is healthier compared to hydrogen peroxide. However, you should not brush your teeth using this toothpaste on a regular basis, just two times per week.


Caffeinated drinks, herbal tea, soft drinks and wines can easily all lead to severe problems for the teeth enamel of your teeth. As often as possible, make use of a straw to decrease direct contact with tooth enamel. In case consuming your caffeinated drinks or wines out of a straw might be more shameful compared to stained teeth, just be careful to toothbrush after consuming these types of drinks except after consuming white colored wines.


This really is most famous as an effective whitening substance. The fluid is pale cyan color, however looks uncolored once mixed. This helpful and adaptable chemical is used like an antibacterial, disinfectant, oxidizer. Hydrogen peroxide helps prevent the progress of microorganisms, will help to stop bacterial infections and also minimizes unpleasant breath, which frequently results from microorganisms. In fact it is as well a component in tooth pastes, disinfectants and also mouth washes. That is the reason why hydrogen peroxide is perfect as an effective whitening substance as well as a strong component. Hydrogen peroxide for the tooth whitening is a widespread treatment to gain a smile which could brighten up every room. Approved by the FDA like a oral cavity wash, three per cent hydrogen peroxide could be your own solution to whiter teeth. Because of this, it acts upon persistent tooth unattractive stains by degrading their molecules. Dentists make use of hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth, however at a more powerful mixture. Apply approximately as you would professional mouthwash, swirling it around your oral cavity not less than thirty secs before spitting it away. You should never digest hydrogen peroxide.


Although in theory you can mix virtually any two tooth whitening solutions, many people recommend a liquid paste made out of hydrogen perodixe together with baking soda. One particular factor might be that each one produces the delivery method of the other extra powerful. To test this technique, fill a tablespoon of baking soda into a little cup. Combine with an adequate amount of hydrogen peroxide to create a toothpaste. Blend with a spoon or perhaps with toothbrush. After getting a toothpaste similar to texture, use your toothbrush in and scrub brush your pearly whites.


This is likely to be probably the most widely used of the organic teeth whitening home remedies. The chemical response of baking soda with the citrus of fresh lemon juice carries a smile brightening result. Any of these types of components is effective, however as a group these are extremely powerful. Simply brush your teeth using this remedy once every week because it can erode the tooth enamel in case is used too often. In the event that discomfort takes place, the baking soda could be extremely aggressive for the gums, therefore stop use it. If perhaps you’re concerned about harming tooth enamel, consider several of the additional remedies.


Stopping your tooth from staining is less complicated compared to getting rid of stains, which explains why these types of natural tooth whitening and whitening methods are really crucial. Brushing and also flossing have an enormous part in order to keep teeth clean and white colored. Unable to maintain on these practices enables discoloration and tooth caries to creep in, each of which result in staining. For whatever reason, flossing doesn’t appear just as easily to a person like brushing. Nevertheless, a lot of dentists together with hygienists come to an agreement that flossing is much more crucial compared to brushing. Floss two times every day for top, teeth saving effects. Only flossing can effortlessly take away the discoloration between your teeth, assisting them to to appear whiter.


Crunchy foods enables you to take away a lot of the glucose and chemical substances that lead to stains and cavity. Crunchy foods behave like nature’s toothbrush. Basically eating eliminates extra nutrition and microorganisms from your oral cavity. It assists to to scrub away exterior stains. Not just does the structure take away nutrition contaminants and bacteria, nevertheless the acids in the vegetables and fruit pull double work, basically maintaining the teeth whiter.


Getting rid of any remaining nutrition or remains from the teeth enables you to put a stop to discoloration and caries. Occasionally, the most basic remedies are ignored. Basically rinses your mouth immediately after consuming could go far in stopping caffeinated drinks, sugary sodas as well as other discoloration elements from lingering in the oral cavity. Even the swishing drinking water in the oral cavity before consuming tends to make a huge improvement if you can't reach a bathing room to wash or scrub brush your teeth.


The combination of bay leaves together with orange peel can be one of the tooth whitening at home techniques. Dehydrated the orange peel and also natural powder the bay leaves correctly. Use this combination on the teeth, to force them to be whiter.


Commercially toothpastes, tooth gels, together with fluids assist in clear away certain exterior stains. Most of these products and solutions include gentle abrasives, chemical substances, or even polishing elements. In contrast to bleaches, they don't correct the original shade of teeth.


Oil pulling is remedy applied mostly to improve oral healthiness and purify the entire body. The method is really very simple, safe and very affordable. Just take one tablespoon of a natural, natural oil and swish it around in the oral cavity for about 10 to 15 minutes. Push the oil around the oral cavity by way of drinking, sucking and also basically pulling throughout the teeth. After washing, spit away the oil, properly wash your mouth with drinking water and also drink two to three cups of drinking water pure if you are able to.


Apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil are substances which can normally be located in your house. Pour a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil together with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a large mouthed food bowl. Soak your own toothbrush into this and then clean your teeth intensely. Re soak until it gets done. The teeth will be noticeably whiter. You may use two teaspoons in a single glass of normal water for an efficient and sanitary mouth wash as well. This mouth wash likewise helps reduce any kind of swelling of the gums that could occur as your brushing the teeth intensely. 


Tooth whitening strips helps to eliminate tooth stains. These types of strips are extremely slim, practically transparent, because they are covered with a peroxide based whitening solution. You put them on a couple of minutes every day for a week or longer. Good results are noticeable in only a couple of days and last no less than twelve months. The outcomes with strips are much less impressive like with whitening kits, however the strips are simple to operate and basically reliable.


A home tooth whitening kit is made up of carbamide peroxide, a whitening which can eliminate equally strong and surface area stains and also really modifies your genuine tooth shade. For those who have coffee discolored teeth, a tooth bleaching kit will help. With certain kits, you use a peroxide powered gel with a tiny toothbrush to the exterior of the teeth. In some other kits, the teeth whitening gel is in a holder that molds to the teeth. The holder needs to be used every day for thirty to fifty mins for an one week or longer.

A healthful and brilliant smile is certainly some thing to be delighted about. Maintaining a healthy diet, unsurprisingly, will go very far in being sure your teeth keep white colored for a long time to come. However using an collection of natural teeth whitening home remedies will boost the tooth shine. Before going through any kind of treatment, you should consult your dentist or some other health professional.

Is walking a good exercise if I'm trying to lose weight?

Regular exercise produces many health benefits including weight control, improved mood, better sleep and prevention of chronic disease. Finding the time and motivation can be a challenge, so make exercise a part of your daily routine by planning ahead and sticking to your routine.
Start slowly and set simple, reasonable goals. If you set the bar too high, you may give up on exercise before giving it a fair chance.

  • Goal 1: Walk for 10 minutes twice a day.
  • Goal 2: Walk for 30 minutes five days a week and add 10 minutes of resistance training.
  • Goal 3: Walk for 40 minutes five days per week and add 20 minutes of resistance training.
  • Goal 4: Once you are up to 40 minutes a day, increase your pace and not your time. (Example – if you walk one mile in 40 minutes, increase your pace so you walk 1.2 miles in 40 minutes).

Walking can be a great way to lose weight if that is something you enjoy doing.  If you are busy you can pick up the pace and go for a brisk walk and still get a good workout. There is even some evidence that several shorter bouts of exercise may be better for reducing body weight and fat than one long workout.
The general rule of thumb: The more vigorous the activity, the less time you need to do it to get optimum results. And the more leisurely your activity, the longer your exercise session should be.
The added plus is any exercise that conditions the heart while building muscle causes your body to work harder -- even when it's at rest.
0:00 – 2:59: Moderate pace to warm up
3:00 – 3:59: Brisk walk
4:00 – 4:29: Jog
4:30 – 5:29: Brisk walk
5:30 – 5:59: Jumping jacks in place
6:00 – 6:59: Brisk walk
7:00 – 7:29: Jumping jacks in place
7:30 – 8:29: Brisk walk
8:30 -  8:59: Jog

Walking will be a great way to strive towards your weight loss goals. In addition, you must focus on sound nutrition. You should not expect to just exercise along and achieve your weight loss goals. In order to be successful you must be active and you must eat right!
Beyond walking, you should consider strength training. Resistance bearing exercises will truly assist you to lose weight and will be very beneficial to your body.

Depending on your current level of fitness and what your weight loss goals are, walking can be a great way to start making progress towards your goals. The problem with walking, if it is your only form of cardio, is that the human body was designed to walk effeciently. This means that you burn minimal calories while walking, roughly 80-100 calories per mile! As a refresher, there are 3500 calories in 1 pound of body fat. So in order to lose 1 pound a week you need to burn 500 calories per day in excess of what you take in. Unless you are reducing your calorie intake (which you should be) you would need to be walking 5 miles a day.
Now if this is the only form of cardio you are currently capable of, then great, it's definitely better than nothing. But as soon as you are able to increase the intensity of your cardio, do so. The body will plateau pretty quickly if you stick soley to walking. When this begins to happen, implement some tactics that will increase your calorie burn such as walking on an incline (without holding on to the treadmill), carry light weights as you walk, doing walk/jog intervals, pausing during your walks to do sets of jumping jacks, etc.
The larger the calorie defecit you create the quicker you lose weight. So focus on working out smarter by choosing exercise routines that offer as much bang for your buck (calorie burn per hour) as you can safely handle. This will help you meet your fitness goals quicker and reduce your chances of hitting a plateau!


A cup of buttermilk. Half an avocado. Two tablespoons of honey. A dash of olive oil.
This might sound like a recipe for something you'd whip up in the kitchen (something that might not taste all that great, to be sure). But ingredients like these might actually have a better use in your bathroom during your morning or evening skin care routine. That's because they're all excellent natural moisturizers that get the body's largest organ smooth and glowing without the excess chemicals or high price tags found in many commercial products.
So the next time you're looking to banish dry skin, you might want to head to the supermarket instead of the drugstore -- armed with this handy guide to five of the most effective natural moisturizers, of course.

5: Buttermilk

"Skin like buttermilk" isn't a line from a corny Elizabethan poem; it's a compliment you might actually get by bathing your skin in the stuff.
That's because buttermilk contains lactic acid, one of the hyrdoxy acids. If you've spent any time looking for a skin-improving lotion, you've no doubt come across alpha-hydroxy and beta-hyrdoxy acids on the ingredients lists. These compounds act as exfoliants on the skin, breaking apart and removing dry, dead skin cells so fresher, younger, moister ones can come to the fore.
But you needn't soak in a bath of sour milk like Cleopatra used to do to see the benefits. All you need to do is wet a face cloth in cold buttermilk (regular milk will do also) and lay it on a dry or irritated patch of skin for about five minutes. Rinse gently, so some of lactic acid stays behind, and voila -- relief from your refrigerator!

4: Butter

Shea butter, used as a moisturizer since ancient times, is produced from the nuts inside the fruit of the shea tree, found only in Africa. It can take one tree 15 to 30 years to develop mature enough fruit from which to harvest quality shea nuts. Fortunately, to experience its benefits you don't have to wait nearly as long, as your skin will feel moisturized the moment you apply it.
Shea butter is rich in vitamin A, which functions similarly to the natural fats found in the skin's upper layers. The vitamin not only helps alleviate dry skin, but can ease eczema, dermatitis, sunburn and insect bites. It also has high levels of skin-friendly vitamin F, which contains fatty acids that can aid normal cell growth and keep skin young looking.
When shopping for shea butter, it's important to look for a product that is no more than 18 months old, as the longer the moisturizer sits on the shelf, the less of a healing compound known as cinnamic acid (a cinnamon cousin) it will contain. It's also a good idea to look for varieties that are produced without the use of a dangerous chemical known as hexane in the extraction process. And be sure to seek out preparations that are 100 percent shea butter without any fillers.

3: Olive Oil

It can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, lessen heart attack risk and fight several types of cancer. Studies have shown that it fights bone loss, lessens inflammation, keeps belly fat at bay and helps diabetics regulate their blood sugar. But the benefits of the liquid gold known as olive oil don't stop inside the body -- it can work wonders outside as well, by helping to moisturize dry skin.
The ancient Greeks used to take baths in the stuff, but you can see benefits by simply dabbing a bit on dry skin patches (or you can add a little to a warm bath if you have a thing for ancient Greeks).
Olive oil contains a compound found naturally in our skin known as linoleic acid. This lipid creates a water barrier that prevents skin from losing moisture. Interestingly, linoleic acid can't be manufactured by the body and must come from foods.
Studies have shown that olive oil is not only an effective moisturizer, but that it also can alleviate the symptoms of skin conditions like rosacea, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. It can even help reduce inflammation and soothe and heal burns. Most promising of all is that thanks to the high level of antioxidants it contains, olive oil has been shown to greatly reduce tumor frequency from UVB rays.

2: Avocados

The next time you're whipping up a batch of guacamole for a party, be sure to keep some pureed avocados on the side. Then, when you serve your dish people will not only compliment your star cooking ability, they might just notice your skin, too.
The oil found in avocados acts as an emollient, which means that it helps lubricate the spaces between corneocytes, the flattened cells that form the very outer layer of our skin. It also has superb transepidermal penetration capacity, which is a fancy way of saying that your skin likes to drink it up.
Avocados are also high in fats and vitamins A, D and E, the later of which helps the skin retain moisture and helps reduce wrinkles. That's the science of the fruit. For its practical beauty use, all you really need to do is apply some mashed avocado to a troubled area for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse. Just be sure to keep what you wash away separate from the dip and chips!

1: Honey

Sweetening your tea with honey and a little dripped on your hand? You might just want to leave it there.
Aside from being delicious to eat, honey has some pretty appetizing benefits for your skin. It's a natural humectant, which means that it has the ability to draw water molecules from the air toward your skin, helping to keep it moisture-rich. Honey also has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a viable option for helping with wound healing, which might explain why a prescription for it was found on a piece of clay dating from 2000 B.C.
To get the moisturizing benefits of the syrupy stuff, dissolve two tablespoons of honey in an equal amount of water and then add six more tablespoons of water. Apply to the skin, wait 10 minutes and then rinse. It's a sweet solution for dry skin.


The sun. People have worshiped it for thousands of years. But only in the last century have people worshiped the sun by baking themselves to a golden tan, which often masks an angry red burn.
If you've overexposed your skin to the sun and end up with a sunburn, these home remedies can make you a bit more comfortable until Mother Nature can heal the burn. Keep in mind, though, that these remedies cannot reverse the very real damage caused by unprotected exposure to the sun's rays.

1: Take a Bath

Adding a few heaping tablespoons of baking soda to cool bath water makes a sunburn-soothing remedy. Just keep your soaking time down to 15 to 20 minutes. If you soak any longer, you risk drying out your already lizard-like skin. When you've emerged from the bath, resist the urge to towel off. Instead air-dry, and don't wipe the baking soda off.
Oatmeal added to cool bathwater offers another wonderful relief for sunburned skin. Fill up the bathtub with cool water--not cold water because that can send the body into shock. Don't use bath salts, oils, or bubble bath. Instead, scoop 1/2 to 1 cup oatmeal -- an ideal skin soother -- and mix it in. Another option is to buy Aveeno, an oatmeal powder found in the pharmacy. Follow the packet's directions. As with the baking soda, air-dry your body and don't wipe the oatmeal off your skin.

2: Add Some Aloe Vera

The thick, gel-like juice of the aloe vera plant can take the sting and redness out of a sunburn. Aloe vera causes blood vessels to constrict. Luckily, this healing plant is available at your local nursery or even in the grocery store's floral department. Simply slit open one of the broad leaves and apply the gel directly to the burn. Apply five to six times per day for several days.

3: Apply a Cool Compress

Soak a washcloth in cool water and apply it directly to the burned areas (do not apply ice or an ice pack to sunburned skin) for several minutes, rewetting the cloth often to keep it cool. Apply the compress multiple times throughout the day as needed to relieve discomfort. You can also add a soothing ingredient, such as baking soda or oatmeal, to the compress water. Simply shake a bit of baking soda into the water before soaking the cloth. Or wrap dry oatmeal in a cheesecloth or a piece of gauze and run water through it. Then toss out the oatmeal and soak the compress in the oatmeal water.

4: Drink Water

As the sun fried your skin, it also dehydrated it. Be sure to replenish liquids by drinking plenty of water while recovering from a sunburn. Being well hydrated will help burns heal better. You'll know you're hydrated when your urine runs almost clear.

5: Cool Off With a Soak

Slipping into a tub of chilly water is a good way to cool the burn and ease the sting, especially if the burn is widespread or on a hard-to-reach area (such as your back). Avoid using soap, which can irritate and dry out the skin. If you feel you must use soap, use a mild one, such as Dove or Aveeno Bar, and rinse it off well. Definitely skip the washcloth, bath sponge, and loofah. Afterward, pat your skin gently with a soft towel. If you're tempted to linger in the tub for hours, skip the bath and take a cool shower, instead. Ironically, soaking too long can cause or aggravate dry skin, which can increase itching and peeling.

6: Moisturize

The sun dries out the skin's surface and causes cells and blood vessels to leak, causing even greater moisture loss. In addition, while cool baths and compresses can make you feel better, they can also end up robbing moisture from your injured skin. To prevent drying, apply moisturizer immediately after your soak. For cooling relief of pain and dryness, chill the moisturizer in the refrigerator before using.

7: Pat Down With Potatoes

The plain old potato makes for a wonderful pain reliever. It's a time-tested technique known throughout the world. Take two washed potatoes, cut them into small chunks, and place them in a blender or food processor. Blend or process until the potatoes are in liquid form. Add water if they look dry. Pat the burned areas with the pulverized potatoes. Wait until the potatoes dry, then take a cool shower. Another less messy method is to apply the mash to a clean gauze and place on the burn. Change the dressing every hour. Continue applying several times a day for a few days until the pain is relieved.

8: Use Cornstarch

Sunburns often strike where skin meets bathing suit. Sensitive and hard-to-reach spots you've neglected to smear with suntan lotion (along bikini lines, underneath buttock cheeks, or around the breasts and armpits) often fall victim. These burn spots then have to face daily irritation from tight elastic in bras and underwear. To ease chafing, cover the burned area with a dusting of cornstarch. Don't apply petroleum jelly or oils, which can exacerbate the burn by blocking pores. If the burn is blistering, however, don't apply anything.

9: Try a Topical Anesthetic

Topical anesthetics such as Solarcaine may offer some temporary relief from pain and itching. Look for products that contain lidocaine, which is less likely than some of the other topical anesthetics to cause an allergic reaction. Because some people do have allergic reactions to such products, test a small area of skin before using it all over. Topical anesthetics come in both creams and sprays. The sprays are easier to apply to a sunburn, especially when it is widespread. If you use one, avoid spraying it directly onto the face. Instead, spray some onto gauze and gently dab it on your face.

10: Take an OTC Pain Reliever

Nonprescription pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen can relieve pain and cut the inflammation of a sunburn. Take with food as directed on the bottle, and discontinue use if you develop stomach upset. If you can't tolerate aspirin or ibuprofen, consider taking OTC acetaminophen, which can help ease pain but won't relieve inflammation. 
No matter which home remedy solution you choose, remember the discomfort your sunburn has caused -- and next time, take precautions to avoid overexposure to the sun. Sunburn can be relieved naturally, but it is never good for the skin.

Acne is caused by these foods


This was one we didn't have a clue on. Apparently, shrimp is a trigger that can bring on a breakout, even if you're undergoing treatment.


This one shouldn't be too hard for most of us to avoid - blech! Oysters are another common culprit for facial outbreaks.


Really, spinach? It's high in iodine and that can spell big trouble for your skin.


It stands to reason, anything this greasy simply cannot be good for your skin.


We're not even sure what really goes into bologna, but apparently, whatever it is, it's bad for your skin.


This one is a double threat, triple if you have one with bacon on it. Just say no to cheeseburgers if you want clear skin.


Cheeses of all kinds, doesn't even matter what color they are, are horrible for your skin. All dairy products are, but cheese is the worst offender.


Put down the 'dew if you want your skin to look good. Caffeine is a horrible trigger for acne.


Say it isn't so? Not the humble little bagel! Yep, carbs are just bad for your skin.

Processed Foods

Canned and frozen processed foods may be easy to eat, but they are hell on your skin.


Add in the trans fats in the oil, the dairy and the carbs and you've got a recipe for some really bad skin.


Between the greasy meat and the corn or flour shell, tacos are simply a no-no.


What?!? Pancakes are bad for your skin too? Geez, we really cannot get a break here.


Ok, ok, this one kind of makes sense. We've got the carbs in the crust, the dairy and meats on top. We get it, we get it.

French Fries

A truly horrible cocktail of grease and carbs, even though fries taste good, it's just not worth it.

Kate Middleton got style and class

 The Dress

It all started with "the dress." That one that was instantly copied by hundreds and no one could pull off quite like her. Understated, modest, and dripping with elegance.

The Dress Alternative

White looks good on Kate. This beautiful evening gown could have passed for another wedding dress.


A slim black jacket pulls together a bright solid colored dress. The army candy doesn't hurt, either. If only we could all have a prince as the ultimate accessory.

 Snow White

Kate's been making a statement lately with the coats that can double as a dress. This double breasted style is perfect for the autumn or winter. Just be careful where you sit!

Lady in Blue

Red is so overrated. Blue is much more distinguished and is reminiscent of the "crown jewels." Choose a cool tone for a guaranteed hit.

Night on the Town

Black is great for going out and having fun, and Kate is no stranger to that. Here she is seen in a black sparkly dress that would make heads turn.

Fresh 'n' Girly

Even a princess has to indulge her frou frou side. This little pink number hits the mark. The jewel encrusted neckline is tantalizing, but it's still a graceful look.

Hello, Gorgeous!

This bright pattern is just the right amount of color. Paired with some nude flats to balance the look, it's perfect for a dinner out or a girl's shopping trip.

Vintage Redux

This look is a little big Jackie O and a lot of glamour. Black and red is a bold statement, but Kate pulls it off as always. The black turtleneck and sheer black tights are a stylish way to keep cold in those London winters.

Red Hot

Even a princess needs to indulge her sensual side. This fire red little number pairs perfectly with a simple clutch. Only the bravest can pull this off.

A Walk on the Wild Side

This flirty little number shows plenty of leg. It's great for a night out with a high hemline and fun pattern. It may not be royalty materials, but sometimes a girl just wants to have fun.

Chic and Simple

Every woman needs a staple LBD to pull out. It's a great transition piece and everyone looks great in a wrap dress (of course, having Kate's arms doesn't hurt).

The Stunner

Kate probably has a slew of ballgowns hanging in her closet. This turquoise piece really shows off that engagement ring. Cap sleeves provide a little modesty - Diana would be proud.

The Show Stealer

Sure, the outfit might look a little subdued (sometimes there's no other choice at those fundraising affairs). Kate plays it up with a spectacular brooch.

Form Fitting and Fabulous

You have to have a great figure to make this work, and luckily for Kate that's a cinch. Body hugging with great lines, it's the perfect outfit for a day at the office (or palace).

12 greatest beauty secrets for women

#12 Eye Lash Curler

Warm up your eyelash curler to take your lashes from ho-hum to wow! The warm lash curler will set your lashes to last for hours. That means you won't have to worry about your eyes on your next date night.

#11 White Eye Shadow

Dab white eye shadow to the inner corners of your eyes. The white eye shadow gives your eyes the appearance of looking wide awake. Use a small make up brush to apply the shadow to this area, and blend well.

#10 Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a woman's best friend when it comes to beauty. Use it to soften strands or take out the dryness in your face. Combine with honey and strawberries for a moisturizing mask for your face.

#9 Opi Base and Top Coat

You don't even have to paint your nails when you apply Opi's base and top coat to your nails... and using them with regular polish really extends the life of your manicure!

#8 Long-Wearing Lipstick

We recommend applying a long-wearing lipstick to your lips if you can't seem to keep your pout looking good. Try out different makeup brands until you find your favorite. We like the Revlon ColorStay 16-Hour Overtime lipstick.

#7 Vaseline

Vaseline is another one of those beauty gems you have sitting around the house. Smooth onto elbows to combat rough skin. Dab a spoon full onto a wash cloth and use it to wipe off stubborn makeup, such as long-wearing lip stick.

#6 Burt Bees Cuticle Cream

Burt Bees cuticle cream is one of the best beauty inventions ever. Smooth a small amount onto your cuticles every night. You will love how smooth your nails look every day, even without polish on them.

#5 Baby Wipes

Yes, you read that headline right. Baby wipes are one of the best kept secrets of the beauty world. Use them to remove makeup and to freshen up in a hurry if needed.

#4 Red Grape Face Mask

Women from Chile use red grapes to make their skin glow. Gather together red grapes and white flour. Mix the two ingredients until a paste forms. Apply to your skin for 10 minutes and admire your luminous skin!

#3 Nail Polish Secret

Is your favorite bottle of nail polish showing signs of aging? Get rid of the clumps by dropping a small amount of nail polish remover into the bottle. Shake it until the remover and nail polish mix well together.

#2 The Wonders of Tea Bags

Green, chamomile and black tea work miracles on tired, dull skin. Use them to depuff the area under your eyes. Wet tea bags can also take out the sting of a recent burn.

#1 Wake Up Your Face

Take out the redness in your skin by dabbing a small amount of Argan Oil onto it. The oil works to condition the face, hair and nails. Rub over lipstick that tends to dry out to soften your lips and give them a glossy looking shine.

20 Awesome Eyeliner Tricks!

#20 Purple for Blue!

Have blue eyes? If so, purple eyeliner is the way to go. This trick will absolutely accent your baby blues in the best way possible. This is best paired with a pink or brown eye shadow.

#19 Don't Forget to Remove it at Night!!

Sometimes we crash after a long night out, but if you want to keep your eyes irritation-free, ALWAYS clean off your liner. At the very least, use unscented wipes handy at all times.

#18 Elongated Eyes!

For those of us with smaller eyes, creating an effect of longer eyes is key! Draw a line from the center of the upper lashline to the outer rim without wings. Then line the outer third corner of your lower lashline, connecting the tip to the line you made above.

#17 Don't Forget The Inner Rims!

Line your inner rims for a sexy night time look. Just keep in mind that dark colors will make small eyes look smaller!

#16 Choose The Right Pencil!!

For a day time look, choose a mechanical pencil as they are drier which well help avoid fading. Definitely something to keep in mind for work.

#15 The Classic

The cat-eye is a the go-to liquid eyeliner technique for a polished look for both day and night. An eyeliner trick that EVERY beauty buff should have mastered. Simply trace eyeliner along upper lash line and let the tail extend a little further past your lid.

#14 Getting Colorful

Cat-eye doesn't have to be basic black or brown! Play up this look with bright liquid eyeliners and keep the rest of your makeup neutral.

#13 Lay It On Thick

Cat-eye feel a little too tame? Go ahead and make that line thicker, or use gel eyeshadow to extend the original line up onto your eyelid.

#12 (Don't) Be Such A Square

Make the everyday cat-eye a little edgier by squaring off the tip that goes past your lash line. We recommend using pencil liner to create this shape.

#11 The "Drop-Eye"

This technique consists of lining your entire upper lash line and the outer half of your lower lash line. Keep the lower lines thinner to prevent a costume makeup look.

#10 Super-Smudge

Blame it on the recent grunge revival, but smudging your liquid liner with a q-tip is a hot trick to have in your night-out makeup regimen. Just don't let the smudging get too out of control, or you'll risk looking like you're melting.

#9 The Cleopatra

To achieve this extreme look you will need: 1)Black liquid eyeliner, 2)A steady hand, and 3)Killer confidence. Anyone thinking of being Cleopatra for Halloween?

#8 Wings

Think of winged eyeliner as the cat-eye's flirty cousin--turning the bit of liner past your lash line upward so it mimics a thick eyelash.

#7 Faux & Fabulous

Want the look of fake eyelashes without the actual fake eyelashes? Try this: Add an extra wing to your eyeliner line to give you some spice!

#6 Just A Pop

Trendy colorful eyeliner can work on anybody! Apply color to ONLY your upper OR lower lash line. Keep the rest of your makeup more neutral.

#5 Sultry & Smokey

There's no better way to achieve the perfect smokey eye look than with adding a good chunky pencil eyeliner. Only have liquid liner? Apply it to your whole top lid and the outer half of your bottom lash line, let it dry, and then smudge with a q-tip.

#4 On The Inside

Applying eyeliner all the way on the inner corners of your eyes is tricky, but when done properly can look great. Stick to a pencil eyeliner and make sure to balance out the rest of your eye with a similar-colored shadow. And be wary of how much liner you apply; too much can give the allusion you have dirt next to your eye!

#3 Walking A Thin Line

Just because you're applying eyeliner doesn't mean it has to be a show-stealer! Liquid liner can be applied in a very thin line to give your eyes just a bit of pop and put the attention on another part of your face, like you lips.

#2 White Out

Applying white eyeliner to the inner corners of your eyes can make eyes look further apart and create the allusion that you're more awake. Just remember: A little goes a long way. Too much white liner will make you look like an extraterrestrial.

#1 All That Glitters

A party girl go-to, glitter eyeliner can give you a punch of sparkle without the fuss of loose glitter.