Tuesday 1 October 2013

4 Tips: Effective Solutions for Thin Hair

There are numerous women with thin hair who has felt jealous each time they see a girl with gorgeous hair and who have tried all thickening sprays available on the market. These women accept dealing with tangles and flat hair as seriously as a complicated surgery and strive to save each precious strand.
As I am also one of these girls with thin hair, I know what it is like to battle this problem and have accumulated lots of knowledge of various methods to deal with thin and lifeless hair. Let’s make it clear: I am certainly not a beauty expert and I haven’t attended cosmetic training. All tips and tricks that I share have helped me personally and they have been effective in my case.

1. Choose a suitable haircut

It is a huge misconception that certain haircuts aren’t suitable for thin hair. Actually, you just need to be familiar with the required maintenance of the different styles and you can have any cut you like.
If you prefer a bob style, it is good to opt for multiple layers as they make the hair look thicker. This haircut is easily styled with a large round brush and looks quite nice on thin hair. It is up to you to choose the length according to your personal taste.
Fewer layers are better if you have long hair. Thus, there is enough volume to make curls, braids, ponytails, etc. As long hair doesn’t require maintaining a particular shape, you don’t need to use a round brush.However, many thin-hairs ladies share different experience, so it is recommended to consult your hairdresser about the suitable haircut and its proper maintenance. This way your hair will look great each morning.

2. Tangling is your worst enemy

If you have flat hair, you definitely can’t afford losing locks because of harsh brushing. However, thin hair tends to be easily affected by wind and static – two of the main factors causing tangling. Other factors include hair sprays, staples and teasing combs which also result in tangling and lost hair.
Conditioner is known to be a common solution of the tangling problem but most such products are too heavy and make your hair weight, so it loses its natural bounces.
Happily, there are some tricks you can use in order to put tangles at bay:
Invest in shampoo and conditioner with supreme quality
Quality hair products are costly but it is worth to make such an investment because they will improve the condition of your hair – the shampoo will thoroughly clean your hair and will make it thicker while the conditioner will gently deal with tangling without making the hair weigh.
Brush your hair before you have a shower
As wet hair is much weaker than dry hair, it is good to brush it prior showering. This will help you keep more strands in place.
Don’t use too much conditioner
Conditioner is without doubt beneficial but you shouldn’t use excessive amounts of it. Apply it to the bottom parts of the hair and rinse it completely.
Manage serious tangles with leave-in conditioner
If it is possible, apply it only on the problematic spots to avoid weighing down of the entire hair.
Make a ponytail or a loose braid before you go to bed
This will help you avoid the dreadful knots on the nape of the neck. Brush your hair gently and make a ponytail or a braid to sleep with.
Purchase a satin pillowcase
Cotton pillowcases are a common reason for tangles, so you should consider replacing it with a satin one as it reduces friction caused by turning and tossing in bed. Thus, breakage and tangles will also be reduces and your hair will look much better when you wake up in the morning.
Don’t use a brush when your hair is wet
This tip isn’t new and there is a good reason to follow it. In case you have to deal with tangles on wet hair, use a comb with wide tooth as it is gentler and the damage will be reduced.

3. Use some great styling tips and ideas

Styling is the most important aspect of thin hair care. There are literary endless products that claim they can miraculously find a solution for your troubles. However, as thin hair problems can’t be eliminated with a magic wand, you better add the following styling tips to your routine:
Consider the texture
As I have thin, straight and slipper hair, I know how challenging it is to curl it or to style it some way.
I have found that using salt spray before blow drying my hair has turned out to be really beneficial. Salt spays are amazing products that add up to two times more volume and this makes styling much easier.
This idea probably won’t work for girls with wavy and curly hair because the salt spray will turn it into a real mess.
In this case you may find it useful to apply soothing cream or a combination of soothing cream and salt spray. Use just a small amount of the cream to avoid weighing your hair and then blow dry with a vented brush or a diffuser.
Lift your roots to add extra volume
As thin-haired ladies need more volume, they should boost their roots. To achieve this, you need to blow dry your hair upside down. Don’t forget to brush your hair before drying it in order to avoid tangles.
You can also try teasing sections at the crown to add extra volume. Teasing combs with three rows of teeth are very handy.
Finally, you can use some kind of a volume spray and then blow dry the roots with a round brush. There are really good and quality root lifting products available on the market.
Start using dry shampoo
Thin hair typically gets oily quickly because it can’t manage with the amount of oil produces by the scalp. Many ladies try to deal with this issue by frequent washing but this causes damages and breakage. Dry shampoo is a real treasure because it reduces oil and the hair looks clean and fresh. In addition, it tones hair roots and improves their condition, especially if you tend to tease them.
There are both aerosol and powder dry shampoos. Aerosol options are used quite easily but it may be difficult to apply the necessary amount while powder shampoos are simpler to dose and apply.
If you use a powder dry shampoo, you just need to sprinkle a bit of the powder on your fingertips, bend your head and apply the powder on the scalp. This guarantees even application. Girls with dark hair should carefully brush their mane because otherwise the powder may make it look gray.

4. Some tips found in the internet

  • Some websites suggest that you can make your hair thicker by taking folic acid. Women who have tried this idea claim they have to shave their legs two times more often than before.
  • Another recommendation is to braid the bottom layers of your hair and to leave the top straight. This is believed to add more volume but such a procedure consumes a lot of time.
  • Others advice to massage your scalp in order to improve the flow of blood to the hair as this encourages faster hair growing.
  • Hair extensions are another popular solution as they contribute not only to the length but also to the thickness. Clip-in extensions are easier to manage than glue-in ones and some women claim they don’t cause serious hair damages as they can be placed and remove easily.
The best thing you can do about your thin care is to accept it the way it is. You will undoubtedly feel frustrated but don’t forget that you are not alone. There are even girls who are jealous that blow drying doesn’t take you hours to complete.
Keep in mind that you are wonderful! Now, as you are familiar with some effective tips and tricks, you can make your hair look even better!
Feel free to share your personal experience and practices that help you add some volume to your flat hair and make it thicker.
Tips: Effective Solutions for Thin Hair

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