Tuesday 1 October 2013

Teeth Whitening: The Natural Way

I drink several cups of tea a day and despite the fact that I currently have a tea collection that can last me several years, I keep on buying more.
However, one unfortunate consequence of drinking tea is having slightly stained teeth. I have tried various brands of whitening strips and while some work, they can also be very expensive and sometimes painful. So today, I am going to introduce some natural remedies you can use to whiten your teeth.
My friends and I have tried all three methods before and discovered that each method works differently for each person. Keep in mind that you most likely won’t see results right away, but also remember that too much use of any whitening product can cause tooth sensitivity, so it’s best to limit yourself and not strive for an unnatural white.
Also, remember that any method that involves citrus acids can potentially erode teeth, so please use methods two and three with caution and never for more than a day or two every month or so.
Read on to learn about three easy and inexpensive ways to naturally whiten your teeth:

Go-to Method: Baking Soda and Water

For me, this method was the most effective. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with with 1/2 teaspoon of warm water until the baking soda has completely dissolved. Dip your toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth like you would with toothpaste. Spit and rinse. Follow up with regular toothpaste. Repeat every other day.

Method 2: *Use in moderation* Orange Peel

Peel an orange and rub the inside of the peel (the white part) on your teeth. Then, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste

Method 3: *Use in moderation* Baking Soda and Strawberry

Mash up one ripe strawberry with a fork or spoon. Mix the mashed up strawberry with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Apply to teeth with your toothbrush and let it sit for about 3-5 minutes. Rinse, then brush your teeth with toothpaste. Don’t forget to floss!
Teeth Whitening: The Natural Way

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