Tuesday 1 October 2013

How to Pass Your Driving Test

Part One: Prepare for the Written Test

Pick up the driver's guide for your state. Every state has them, and that's where you'll find everything that will be on both the written and the actual driving test.

  • You'll learn the basic rules of the road, when to pull over for emergency vehicles (always a favorite on driving exams), speed limits in various zones (another favorite), how to handle accidents, and more.
  • Read it chapter by chapter, make notes if that helps you remember, and have somebody quiz you after each chapter. If you can answer 80% of the questions, move on to the next chapter.
  • At the end of the booklet, ask to be quizzed on the whole manual. Any chapters you don't do well on, revisit. If you go through the book three times in three weeks, your chances of passing—even acing—your test are very high.

Part Two: Prepare for the Practical Test

Practice driving. Most states have regulations regarding how much experience you have behind the wheel. Some states make allowances for taking accredited driving courses, either through school or professional instruction.

Practice driving on the test routes. Find out in advance where you will be taking the practical test (the actual driving part). While it may be illegal in your state (read the manual), unless you're following specific routes, there should be no problem driving in the general neighborhood.

Be familiar with signage. Knowing street signs, hand gestures, when to pass, how and when to pull over for emergency vehicles will count. Read that manual! Know the rules and you'll be fine.

Go for a drive with your parent. The morning before your test, ask them to watch you, and make sure that you check all your mirrors correctly and do all your maneuvers correctly. This will help you gain some confidence.

Part Three: Passing the Practical Test

Make sure your car is ready for the test. Your registration and insurance should be easily accessible. Tires should be inflated properly and in good condition, lights will all need to be working, windshield wipers functional, with the washer reservoir filled, all instruments—especially the speedometer—working and accurate, and turn the radio off when you get there.

Arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment. Bring your completed and signed Driver's Log, Drivers Ed certificate, driving time with an instructor certificate, your learners permit, and any other papers or certificates required, including your Social Security card and birth certificate for identification purposes.

Get in the car with the driving examiner. Relax, and be friendly. You won't lose points for being unpleasant—necessarily—but if your examiner needs to make a judgement call about your driving at some point, ask yourself: would you be easier on a nice person, or a jerk?

At all times drive at a safe speed. Note that this does not necessarily mean the speed limit—conditions may warrant a slower speed. Under no circumstances exceed the speed limit.

Practice situational awareness. Check your mirrors regularly. Make this a little more exaggerated than normal, just so it is clear that you are doing it.

Obey all signs. Come to a full stop at stop signs. Look all ways before continuing. If there are other people at the stop sign, make sure you yield right of way properly—and take your turn when it's time.
  • Don't forget to signal all turns, lane changes, and any time your intent is to change direction.

Park confidently. Practice with your driving instructor or parent before taking the test so that you can do a clean, confident job of parallel parking, backing up straight, and three- or four-point turns.

Thank the examiner. When you return to the motor vehicle department, listen to what the examiner has to say. Most likely they will mention what you did wrong, and a little of what you did right.

Congratulations, you passed! If you read this tutorial, and studied the manual, you will almost certainly pass your driver's exam. Be safe out there!

How to Drive a Car Safely

Never consume alcoholic beverages before drivingThis is the most frequent cause of serious accidents. If you drink, use a non-drinking designated driver, a taxi, or sleep over.

Check your car over mechanically, including headlights, brake, and taillights, the brakes, and suspension regularly, or have this done by a capable mechanic. Failures of any of these components can create a dangerous situation.

Mentally prepare for driving. If you are distracted, upset, or unusually tired and sleepy, do not drive. This also applies to driving when you are using medications which may cause drowsiness. If you are taking a cold medication or antihistamine, read the warnings on the label.

Observation and anticipation are key skills to master.If you remain very observant ,of everything,and learn to predict others actions you will be well on your way to being a safe driver and avoiding being the victim of others mistakes.

Turn your lights on whenever visibility is limited, such as at dusk, while raining, in tunnels, and similar. To avoid being hit, first you must be seen! Older drivers can only see 1/3rd as well as younger ones.

Follow street signs and traffic lights, but use your judgment too. Don't try to beat red lights. And expect others to try to do so, so give them time to go through, particularly trucks that have trouble slowing down. Always stay at a safe distance from other vehicles. A general rule is the farther you are from them, the safer you are.

When you try to run a red light, there are many grave hazards. You take the risk that someone will turn in front of you (thinking that you must be stopping). Or, when the light changes, someone will pull out from the side and into your path. Or, a pedestrian (perhaps a child) will step out into the crosswalk on the far side. You are probably speeding and are committed to running the light, so the accident will be a severe one. The resulting carnage will be your fault, and you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Keep in mind here that, it is exceptionally difficult for the other driver, when looking at your vehicle head on, whether your are about to accelerate, stop, or even how fast you are going.

Use turn signals to indicate where and when you're going to turn. Other drivers need to know this. This includes lane changes, to warn approaching drivers of your intentions. It's not only safer, but, it's common courtesy. Signal as soon as you decide that you would like to make a turn, then look for a space into which to make the turn, not vice versa. This gives other drivers more time to notice you, and perhaps even open up a space for you.

Trucks are a special hazard. Give them extra room. They cannot see other vehicles as well as you can in a car. If there is an accident between a car and a truck, the driver of the car will be the one most at risk.

Use the horn only in when necessary to avoid an accident. It is rude, it is upsetting to others (possibly causing road rage), and adds to noise pollution.

Use your mirrors. Good safe driving involves not only a great awareness of what is in front of you, but what is behind you, what is next to you. Every vehicle has blind spots; know what yours are, and make allowances for those of other vehicles.

Maintain your car properly. For example, if your wheel falls off and you have an accident, your insurance company will find that you are at fault. Minor things count, too. Change windshield wiper blades when they begin to streak the windshield during use. Also keep your windshield washer reservoir filled regularly to clear mud or debris from your windshield.

Talking on cell phones while driving is seriously detrimental in terms of the effect on your attention to driving. Pull off the road to use cell phones or other distracting devices or items. In some states, such as Oregon, they have outlawed, but not enforced these, no talking on your phone.

On ice, do not turn your steering wheel. A common cause of serious accidents in winter is when a driver turns his wheels on ice. This has little or no effect, until he passes the ice (say, while going under a bridge); suddenly, the tires regain their traction, and the vehicle steers violently to the side and into a bridge (or other obstacle).

Plan your maneuvers to accommodate other drivers. For example, avoid passing someone, only to apply brakes to turn or to slow to look for your street.

Teeth Whitening: The Natural Way

I drink several cups of tea a day and despite the fact that I currently have a tea collection that can last me several years, I keep on buying more.
However, one unfortunate consequence of drinking tea is having slightly stained teeth. I have tried various brands of whitening strips and while some work, they can also be very expensive and sometimes painful. So today, I am going to introduce some natural remedies you can use to whiten your teeth.
My friends and I have tried all three methods before and discovered that each method works differently for each person. Keep in mind that you most likely won’t see results right away, but also remember that too much use of any whitening product can cause tooth sensitivity, so it’s best to limit yourself and not strive for an unnatural white.
Also, remember that any method that involves citrus acids can potentially erode teeth, so please use methods two and three with caution and never for more than a day or two every month or so.
Read on to learn about three easy and inexpensive ways to naturally whiten your teeth:

Go-to Method: Baking Soda and Water

For me, this method was the most effective. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with with 1/2 teaspoon of warm water until the baking soda has completely dissolved. Dip your toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth like you would with toothpaste. Spit and rinse. Follow up with regular toothpaste. Repeat every other day.

Method 2: *Use in moderation* Orange Peel

Peel an orange and rub the inside of the peel (the white part) on your teeth. Then, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste

Method 3: *Use in moderation* Baking Soda and Strawberry

Mash up one ripe strawberry with a fork or spoon. Mix the mashed up strawberry with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Apply to teeth with your toothbrush and let it sit for about 3-5 minutes. Rinse, then brush your teeth with toothpaste. Don’t forget to floss!
Teeth Whitening: The Natural Way

Healthy Fingernails for Perfect Manicure

What’s the difference between a gorgeous manicure and a crappy one? The answer is simple – health and strong fingernails. Women often forget that they should maintain their nails in perfect state in order to achieve beautiful manicure to the envy of others. Nails need regular and appropriate care just as any other part of our bodies. Continue reading to learn practical ideas about taking care of your fingernails and they will show their gratitude for your attention is the shape of marvelous manicure.


Proper hydration is essential for your nails and cuticles as it keeps peeling and cracking under control. It is good to moisturize them every day. The procedure is simple: apply hand cream and massage the area around the nails. As you see, this doesn’t take time and efforts but it produces amazing results.
Use a fine-grit file
Coarse-grit files are quite harsh for your nails and can damage them. The same applies to metal ones. So, select a cushion file with a fine grit as they provide gentle care.

Correct filing

Nails shouldn’t be filed back and forth as this makes them weaker. Start from the corners and move to the center of the nail, keeping the same direction of your movement.

Strengthen weak nails

Weak nails need extra care and strengthening. There are different nail strengthening products that successfully make breakable and soft nails stronger and healthier. You need to apply such products every day and to be patient – the results will be visible soon.

Clean and dry nails

If the fingernails aren’t always clean and dry, bacteria and other germs may start growing under them and cause damages. It is recommended to use rubber gloves every time you wash the dishes or clean the place with powerful disinfectants in order to protect the nails.

Frequent trimming

To grow healthy and beautiful the nails should be trimmed frequently. First, cut the nail across and then gently round the tips. Some people find it easier to do the trimming right after they come out of the showers because the nails are softer.

No biting

The bad habit of biting your fingernails is absolutely forbidden, especially if you want to have gorgeous manicure. Biding is harmful to the nail bed and may leave cuts on it to give access to various dangerous bacteria.

Wear nail polish

Experts recommend wearing nail polish because it protects the nails from various negative influences and breakage. If you aren’t a fan of colorful nail polish, you can just apply a layer of topcoat.
As simple as these tips sound, if you follow them systematically, the condition of your nails will significantly improve and you will have brilliant manicure.
Healthy Fingernails for Perfect Manicure

Tips: Products For Healthy Hair

Fall is an odd hair season. You start school, so you inevitably get lazier when it comes to hair. However, it also starts to get colder, meaning the actual condition of your hair even starts to get worse. So really, it’s a lose-lose for your hair!
Trust me, I’ve been there. I used to have very blonde, very thin, and very damaged hair! I stopped bleaching all the pigment out of it and stopped straightening it every single day, which allowed me to get to the root (sorry about the pun…) of the problem. The health of my hair.
In addition, I came across these five hair miracles that work on any kind of hair condition: dry, damaged, lifeless, frizzy, or anything else that’s bad. These are my holy grail products – and I know they’ll be yours too:

1. Dove Refresh+Care Invigorating Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is AWESOME for when you feel like you’ve been washing your hair too much and need a break. This one doesn’t leave your hair chalky or dry, and actually claims to moisturize your hair. I don’t know if I’d go that far, but it definitely is one of the dry shampoos that I always go back to.
One of the worst things you can do for your hair is use a strong shampoo every single day, so dry shampoo really helped me break that habit!

Tips: Products For Healthy Hair

2. PHYTO Phyto 9 Daily Ultra Nourishing Cream

This stuff is brilliant. Seriously brilliant. It smells like fresh air and goes on so smoothly, and makes your hair feel incredible. It actually mends dry, frail hair. As I mentioned earlier, I used to bleach my hair a super white-blonde color (read: damaging mistake!) and this leave-in cream made it lose that “crunchy” feeling. Hands down, this stuff is the best.

Tips: Products For Healthy Hair

3. Giovanni Vitapro Fusion

Plus, it’s a high-quality product that’s also super affordable – what more could you ask for?

This light spray is perfect for color-treated hair. Not only is it vegan and cruelty-free, but this product is also a heat protectant. I love the entire Giovanni line because there isn’t anything disgustingly artificial in any of their products, so it’s always perfect for colored hair.
Tips: Products For Healthy Hair

4. Peter Thomas Roth Hair to Die for Hair Treatment

Okay, I’m not going to sugar coat it: this product is pretty expensive for the average college girl’s budget. However, don’t run away just because it’s $33! This product is a miracle. I don’t know exactly what’s in it, but I’m sure it’s illegal in other countries. (Kidding!)
It actually makes your hair grow. However, not only does your hair grow, but it grows better than it did before – thicker, healthier, and shinier. Ridiculous? Nope, true. It happens.

Tips: Products For Healthy Hair

5. Garnier Sleek and Shine Moroccan Oil Treatment

Moroccan oil has been a seriously popular item for a while now, but it’s hard to find one that works on all hair types. I have trouble finding one that doesn’t make my head look like a grease ball if I use a little too much.
This one from Garnier is much less oily than your typical moroccan oil, if that makes sense! It makes your hair look beautiful and healthy, plus it smell delicious. I use two drops after I shower and while my hair is still pretty wet to let it absorb. I generally use this twice a week, but play around to see what works best for your hair type
Tips: Products For Healthy Hair
Final Thoughts:
I guarantee that whatever kind of hair you have, these products will improve the texture and health of your hair. One other idea to keep in mind is that you need to regularly get your hair trimmed. I stick to every six weeks on the dot, so that my hair is almost “trained” to know when the trim is coming. Keeping your hair on a schedule also lets you know how long your hair has grown in that time!

Health and Beauty Tips: 3 Power Foods for Perfect Skin

Health and beauty experts often say the quality of our skin depends on the food we consume and this proves to be true. There are some power foods that should be an inseparable part of your skin care routine because they make your skin really gorgeous.
As a rule of thumb, you should drink plenty of water and green tea in order to hydrate your skin. But this is not enough.
1. The darker, the better –Fruits and vegetables that have darker colour are more beneficial for the skin. Blackberries, strawberries and blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants which improves skin quality. You should also eat more cherries, broccoli, sweet potatoes and spinach, so that you can enjoy clear and glowing skin.
2. Dark chocolate for dessert - It may sounds surprising, but dark chocolate is the perfect dessert because it is full of antioxidants, and our skin needs them in order to be healthy and beautiful.
3. Fish, nuts and avocado You have probably heard that fish is very beneficial for your health but you should also know that fish is quite useful in terms of skin care and beauty. A reason for this is that fish is rich in oils that hydrate your skin and maintains it properly moisturized. Such helpful oils are also found in avocados and various nuts, such as hazelnuts and walnuts.

How to choose the best flat iron?

If you have long hair, it means that you need a flat iron. The market is full of brands, different types with different functionality, sizes, colors and properties. It’s hard to choose what is best for you. Some girls just get the most popular product, some others buy the same brand as their friends have. We don’t think that this is the best way to choose flat iron. Here are some tips that we are going to give you. After you finish this article, you will feel way more confident when you visit the shop!

1. What exactly is the flat iron?

This is a tool that uses high temperature and pressure to straighten the hair. The plates are made of ceramic or metal and you have to use it only on dry hair. The effect is not permanent.

2. The size

Usually the regular size of the plates is 1 inch. This size is appropriate if you have long hair but not too long. Let’s say that it is comfortable enough if the length of your hair is medium. For girls with really long hair the appropriate size is 2 inches. With this one you can get more hair in a single press. Definitely you will straighten your hair faster with 2 inch plate.

How to choose the best flat iron?

If you have long hair, it means that you need a flat iron. The market is full of brands, different types with different functionality, sizes, colors and properties. It’s hard to choose what is best for you. Some girls just get the most popular product, some others buy the same brand as their friends have. We don’t think that this is the best way to choose flat iron. Here are some tips that we are going to give you. After you finish this article, you will feel way more confident when you visit the shop!

1. What exactly is the flat iron?

This is a tool that uses high temperature and pressure to straighten the hair. The plates are made of ceramic or metal and you have to use it only on dry hair. The effect is not permanent.
2. The size 
Usually the regular size of the plates is 1 inch. This size is appropriate if you have long hair but not too long. Let’s say that it is comfortable enough if the length of your hair is medium. For girls with really long hair the appropriate size is 2 inches. With this one you can get more hair in a single press. Definitely you will straighten your hair faster with 2 inch plate.

3. The most important factor – the temperature

The different types of hair need different temperature to be straightened. The temperature varies between 390F to 450F (200C to 235C) for the different class of flat irons. Some of them have digital display and controller for the temperature, the other are just dials. There are also models with fixed temperature. We strongly recommend to use one with digital display. This is the best and the easiest way to keep an eye on the temperature of the plates. It is important, because the temperature is the most important factor for the process. Thin hair needs lower temperature, otherwise it could be damaged or burned.

4. The plates

The plates are this part of the flat iron that defines the class and the price of the tool. There are 4 different types of plates:
  • Aluminum plates: This technology is old one and we could say that the class of the aluminum flat irons is cheap. They could be risky, because they don’t have ceramic coverage and could damage the hair. If you don’t use the tool very often and you are not willing to spend too much money for it, this is a good option for you.
  • Ceramic plates: The best one for long hair. The ceramic plates are considered as the best combination between price and quality. The ceramic protects the hair and it is easy to clean.
  • Turmaline plates: The flat irons with turmaline plates are mostly used by hair saloons and professional hairstylists. The price range is high, but also the properties are amazing. The plates emits negative ions. It gives very nice and shiny look of the hair. The final result is amazing.
  • Nano technology plates: just as any other nano technology, the nano plates are the best on the market. They straighten the hair faster than any other type of plates. The surface is super smooth. The nano plates need less temperature and protect the hair way better. Of course after all the features, the price is really high, but if you use flat iron everyday and if you can afford it, go for it!
We hope that now you feel more confident and informed. The flat iron is a tool that you are going to use often, so don’t do it as an impulse purchase.
Thank you for reading!

4 Tips: Effective Solutions for Thin Hair

There are numerous women with thin hair who has felt jealous each time they see a girl with gorgeous hair and who have tried all thickening sprays available on the market. These women accept dealing with tangles and flat hair as seriously as a complicated surgery and strive to save each precious strand.
As I am also one of these girls with thin hair, I know what it is like to battle this problem and have accumulated lots of knowledge of various methods to deal with thin and lifeless hair. Let’s make it clear: I am certainly not a beauty expert and I haven’t attended cosmetic training. All tips and tricks that I share have helped me personally and they have been effective in my case.

1. Choose a suitable haircut

It is a huge misconception that certain haircuts aren’t suitable for thin hair. Actually, you just need to be familiar with the required maintenance of the different styles and you can have any cut you like.
If you prefer a bob style, it is good to opt for multiple layers as they make the hair look thicker. This haircut is easily styled with a large round brush and looks quite nice on thin hair. It is up to you to choose the length according to your personal taste.
Fewer layers are better if you have long hair. Thus, there is enough volume to make curls, braids, ponytails, etc. As long hair doesn’t require maintaining a particular shape, you don’t need to use a round brush.However, many thin-hairs ladies share different experience, so it is recommended to consult your hairdresser about the suitable haircut and its proper maintenance. This way your hair will look great each morning.

2. Tangling is your worst enemy

If you have flat hair, you definitely can’t afford losing locks because of harsh brushing. However, thin hair tends to be easily affected by wind and static – two of the main factors causing tangling. Other factors include hair sprays, staples and teasing combs which also result in tangling and lost hair.
Conditioner is known to be a common solution of the tangling problem but most such products are too heavy and make your hair weight, so it loses its natural bounces.
Happily, there are some tricks you can use in order to put tangles at bay:
Invest in shampoo and conditioner with supreme quality
Quality hair products are costly but it is worth to make such an investment because they will improve the condition of your hair – the shampoo will thoroughly clean your hair and will make it thicker while the conditioner will gently deal with tangling without making the hair weigh.
Brush your hair before you have a shower
As wet hair is much weaker than dry hair, it is good to brush it prior showering. This will help you keep more strands in place.
Don’t use too much conditioner
Conditioner is without doubt beneficial but you shouldn’t use excessive amounts of it. Apply it to the bottom parts of the hair and rinse it completely.
Manage serious tangles with leave-in conditioner
If it is possible, apply it only on the problematic spots to avoid weighing down of the entire hair.
Make a ponytail or a loose braid before you go to bed
This will help you avoid the dreadful knots on the nape of the neck. Brush your hair gently and make a ponytail or a braid to sleep with.
Purchase a satin pillowcase
Cotton pillowcases are a common reason for tangles, so you should consider replacing it with a satin one as it reduces friction caused by turning and tossing in bed. Thus, breakage and tangles will also be reduces and your hair will look much better when you wake up in the morning.
Don’t use a brush when your hair is wet
This tip isn’t new and there is a good reason to follow it. In case you have to deal with tangles on wet hair, use a comb with wide tooth as it is gentler and the damage will be reduced.

3. Use some great styling tips and ideas

Styling is the most important aspect of thin hair care. There are literary endless products that claim they can miraculously find a solution for your troubles. However, as thin hair problems can’t be eliminated with a magic wand, you better add the following styling tips to your routine:
Consider the texture
As I have thin, straight and slipper hair, I know how challenging it is to curl it or to style it some way.
I have found that using salt spray before blow drying my hair has turned out to be really beneficial. Salt spays are amazing products that add up to two times more volume and this makes styling much easier.
This idea probably won’t work for girls with wavy and curly hair because the salt spray will turn it into a real mess.
In this case you may find it useful to apply soothing cream or a combination of soothing cream and salt spray. Use just a small amount of the cream to avoid weighing your hair and then blow dry with a vented brush or a diffuser.
Lift your roots to add extra volume
As thin-haired ladies need more volume, they should boost their roots. To achieve this, you need to blow dry your hair upside down. Don’t forget to brush your hair before drying it in order to avoid tangles.
You can also try teasing sections at the crown to add extra volume. Teasing combs with three rows of teeth are very handy.
Finally, you can use some kind of a volume spray and then blow dry the roots with a round brush. There are really good and quality root lifting products available on the market.
Start using dry shampoo
Thin hair typically gets oily quickly because it can’t manage with the amount of oil produces by the scalp. Many ladies try to deal with this issue by frequent washing but this causes damages and breakage. Dry shampoo is a real treasure because it reduces oil and the hair looks clean and fresh. In addition, it tones hair roots and improves their condition, especially if you tend to tease them.
There are both aerosol and powder dry shampoos. Aerosol options are used quite easily but it may be difficult to apply the necessary amount while powder shampoos are simpler to dose and apply.
If you use a powder dry shampoo, you just need to sprinkle a bit of the powder on your fingertips, bend your head and apply the powder on the scalp. This guarantees even application. Girls with dark hair should carefully brush their mane because otherwise the powder may make it look gray.

4. Some tips found in the internet

  • Some websites suggest that you can make your hair thicker by taking folic acid. Women who have tried this idea claim they have to shave their legs two times more often than before.
  • Another recommendation is to braid the bottom layers of your hair and to leave the top straight. This is believed to add more volume but such a procedure consumes a lot of time.
  • Others advice to massage your scalp in order to improve the flow of blood to the hair as this encourages faster hair growing.
  • Hair extensions are another popular solution as they contribute not only to the length but also to the thickness. Clip-in extensions are easier to manage than glue-in ones and some women claim they don’t cause serious hair damages as they can be placed and remove easily.
The best thing you can do about your thin care is to accept it the way it is. You will undoubtedly feel frustrated but don’t forget that you are not alone. There are even girls who are jealous that blow drying doesn’t take you hours to complete.
Keep in mind that you are wonderful! Now, as you are familiar with some effective tips and tricks, you can make your hair look even better!
Feel free to share your personal experience and practices that help you add some volume to your flat hair and make it thicker.
Tips: Effective Solutions for Thin Hair

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Make the laptop run faster

10 Ways to Make Your Laptop Run Faster

There is nothing more frustrating than your computer locking up, freezing, or just being pokey, especially if the client is patiently waiting for the presentation or the paper is due.  Laptops are extremely accessible to everyone, yet if only the knowledge to keep them optimized was that easy to come by.   
These 10 tips are simple things you can do to make your laptop run faster.
  1.  Start with a disk cleanup.  There are several ways to access this, but one is to click on the Start Program>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Cleanup.  This will allow you to delete temporary Internet Files, Offline Files, the recycling bin, and other types of unnecessary files. 
  2. Through the Control Panel, go to Internet Tools and delete cookies and history.  This can take several minutes if it hasn’t been done in awhile.
  3. Disk Defragment.  You can access this the same way as a disk cleanup, but select disk defragmenter instead.  Many programs allow you to schedule a time to do this application, as it can take several minutes or several hours depending on how much work is to be done. 
  4. Malware or Spyware are big offenders of slowing down laptops.  Installing and running an anti-malware or anti-virus program and running it regularly will often times make a tremendous difference. 
  5. Check your power management by accessing the Control Panel.  Select power management and then Maximum or Best Performance.  If you use your battery pack rather than being plugged in it will drain quickly, but will give you optimal speed. 
  6. From the Control Panel, go to Add or Remove programs.  Remove programs that you know you are not using.  This can be a daunting task, since some programs affect others, and therefore you may want to know what’s important before you remove it.
  7. Check the memory usage of your computer.   You may need to add more random access memory (RAM) to store memory, rather than using disk space that is slower in all cases.
  8. Consider using registry software cleaner or repair program.  There are many good ones out there such as ccleaner.com or registryfix.com.  These will identify and repair problems within the registry.
  9. New computers that use Windows Vista can be slowed down by excess animation.  It is possible to turn it off by going to the Control Panel>System and Maintenance>Performance Information and Tools>Advanced Tools.  Then select Adjust the Appearance and Performance of Windows.  The Performance Options box will prompt, and if you select Custom, then uncheck Animate Windows when Maximazing and Minimizing.  You can consider other options as well, but this definitely pep it up.
  10. Use an external hard drive to store all music, photos and games.  It can be unplugged and used with multiple computers, and will save valuable space.
These ten tips are proven ways to get that computer moving and prevent untimely frustration.  By utilizing some or all, you will be optimizing your system and working efficiently.  

How to maintain my laptop

Keep liquids away from your laptop. As tempting as it might be to drink coffee, soda, water or any other liquid near your laptop, accidents can happen all too easily. Alternatively, use a cup with a cover on it, so even if it does spill, the liquid doesn't go anywhere. Spilled liquids may damage the internal micro electronic components or cause electrical injury to the laptop. Short circuits can corrupt data or even permanently destroy some parts. The solution is very simple: Keep your drinks away from your computer. Even if you're careful, someone else might bump into your desk or you.

Having an available antivirus software would help. Even if you know what you download, it may contain a virus that can lead to a circuit error or software problem in your system hardware or software. It may also slow down the system operations and performance.

Keep food away from your laptop. Don't eat over your laptop, the crumbs can go down between the keys in the keyboard and provide an invitation to small bugs. The crumbs can also damage the circuitry. Worse, it makes the laptop look dirty if there are crumbs and food stains on it.

Always have clean hands when using your laptop. Clean hands make it easier to use your laptop touchpad and there will be less risk of leaving dirt and other stains on the computer. In addition, if you clean your hands before use, you will help reduce wear and tear on the coating of the laptop caused by contact with sweat and small particles that can act upon the laptop's exterior underneath your wrists and fingers.

Protect the LCD display monitor. When you shut your laptop, make sure there are no small items, such as a pencil or small ear-phones, on the keyboard. These can damage the display screen when shut; the screen will scratch if the item is rough. Close the lid gently and holding from the middle. Closing the lid using only one side causes pressure on that hinge, and over time can cause it to bend and snap.

Hold and lift the computer by its base, not by its LCD display (the screen). If you lift it by the screen part alone, you could damage the display or the hinges attaching it to the base. The display is also easily scratched or damaged by direct pressure – avoid placing pressure on it.

Don't pull on the power cord. Tugging your power cord out from the power socket rather than putting your hand directly on the plug in the socket and pulling can break off the plug or damage the power socket. Also, if you have the power point near your feet, avoid constantly bumping into the plug or you could loosen it and eventually break it.

Don't roll your chair over the computer cord. Stick the cord onto your desk with tape or a special computer cord tie which can be easily undone when you've finished using the laptop. Always try to keep most of the cord away from the floor or your legs; sometimes you can be so engrossed in what you're doing that you move your legs and forget the cord is there.

Plug in accessory devices into their proper slots. Always look at the symbols on the laptop carefully before inserting devices. Jamming a phone line into an Ethernet port or vice versa could damage the sockets, making it impossible to use them again. It is very important to observe this step.

Handle any removable drives with care. Floppy drives or CD drives that have been removed from your laptop can easily get crushed, dropped or pressed if you are careless. Put them straight into a bag or a storage box/case for safe keeping if you are not putting them back into the laptop.

Insert drives into their slots carefully and at the correct angle. Pushing the wrong drive into a socket, or at an angle, or even upside down can jam it.

Check to see if labels are affixed securely before inserting media into your laptop computer. Media such as CDs, DVDs or floppy disks should not have any loose label parts that might jam inside the laptop drive. Never insert undersized CDs, as these can damage the disk player permanently.

Don't expose your laptop to rapid temperature changes. When bringing your laptop indoors during winter, don't turn it on immediately. Instead, let it warm to room temperature first. This will avoid any potential for damage to the disk drive from condensation forming inside the machine. Avoid heat from sunlight as well.

Don't leave your laptop in a car. Not only do the insides of cars experience large temperature swings that could damage a laptop, but a laptop (or laptop bag) is an inviting target for a smash and grab thief.

Have the unit cleaned annually to remove internal dust. Get this done by a computer professional, or do it yourself if you can. If dust accumulates, the system cannot cool itself correctly. Heat can destroy the motherboard.

Avoid placing heavy materials, such as books, on top of your laptop and keyboard. This can push the LCD screen into the keyboard, and will eventually damage it. Also, the CD-ROM insert will also be squished and, eventually, will break.

Use a properly-sized laptop case. Whatever you use to carry your laptop around in, be it a case, a bag or something you have made yourself, make sure that it it large enough to contain the laptop. This will avoid scratching, squeezing or even potentially dropping it.

Look into getting a laptop bag. Many breaks happen because of laptops being dropped or bumped. A bag greatly reduces the risk of damage.

Use and store in a well-ventilated area. When you are using your laptop, do so in a place that has a constant air-circulation. Lots of people ruin their laptop by using it in an enclosed area and thus making the laptop overheat.

Use an old toothbrush to clean the area around the exhaust fan screen. If that gets plugged up, air flow is diminished and overheating can occur.

Try and keep the laptop on a flat, clean surface. This prevents damage to the laptop. This step can be hard, particularly if you are going out with your laptop, but if there is a flat surface available to put your laptop on then do so.

Don't use your laptop on the bed. Repeated use of the laptop on the bed will cause the fans to suck up the dust and debris which lies in the bed, ultimately blocking the fan. Refrain from this by using the laptop somewhere else than the bed.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Teeth whitening remedies

Your teeth are going to gradually darken with age, however additional elements also can lead to yellowing. With getting older, the enameled surface on tooth tends to be thinner and lighter and much more translucent and the interior layer, known as dentin, appears darker. Teeth additionally soak up colorful fluids during your lifetime. The chromogenic elements in caffeinated drinks and herbal tea, nerve deterioration as a result of an injury, or some antibiotics could be the cause. The majority of dental professional clinics nowadays promote teeth whitening to their consumers, you can also investment in whitening products.


Strawberries can possibly help whiten teeth for the reason that they are consist of an enzyme known as malic acid, that could be contained in certain whitening toothpastes. You can actually mash up the strawberry or simply brush it on the teeth, chop in half. Keep the fruit juice on the teeth for just one minute after that wash with drinking water. Skin and implant dentistry professional, concluded, that the fibers in strawberries additionally acts like an organic clean solution eliminating microorganisms from the teeth and also oral cavity. Rub strawberry onto the teeth or perhaps create a toothpaste from strawberry. You must brush your teeth instantly with toothpaste after brashing with strawberry, since strawberry has acids and glucose which really can be bad for your teeth.


Apples, carrots together with celery behave similar to organic stain removers. They improve saliva creation, which happens to be the body's integrated washing component. These particular foods are rich in vitamin C, which helps to prevent periodontal condition as well as gingivitis.


Citrus fruits, for example oranges as well as pineapples, as well contribute to the oral cavity to generate additional saliva, that really help wash the teeth and also whiten the smile. Lemons, particularly, are extremely beneficial to teeth whitening. Lemons are going to lighten up and brighten up your teeth and also we recommended washing with fifty percent drinking water, fifty percent fresh lemon juice a couple of times per week. On the other hand, you should not wash using this mixture a lot more than twice per week and never wash with pure fresh lemon juice. Overdoing it could be extremely acidic and this can be destructive to the tooth enamel.


Milk products contain lactic acid, which reduces periodontal disease and also controls growth and preservation of teeth. Furthermore the milk in a cup of coffee matters also it carries the additional value of reducing coffee's discoloration capability. In addition to preserving and improving the teeth enamel, hard cheeses, such as cheddar, are definitely more powerful for scrubbing and whitening the teeth compared to soft cheeses, because hard cheese assists to get rid of additional nutrition contaminants. And also remember that milk products with calcium and also vitamin D are essential not just for healthful teeth also your jaw to, the base structure for the teeth.


Most of the health professionals determined that baking soda is among the most powerful and least risky whitening components available due to the fact it's an acid neutralizer that carefully eliminates stains and accumulation from the teeth enamel. In case this gentle abrasive substance is not yet blended into your toothpaste, you could possibly spread a little over your toothpaste. Baking soda is among the tooth whiteners that not just whitens but additionally cleanses out. It really has been useful for whitening from hundreds of years, prior to the discovery of toothpastes. Everything you need to do is get a little bit of baking soda and then make a toothpaste by adding a bit of drinking water along with a little bit of of salt inside it. Scrub brush your teeth using this toothpaste in a traditional way. After brushing, wash your oral cavity appropriately, to take away all of the baking soda away from the oral cavity. Baking soda is healthier compared to hydrogen peroxide. However, you should not brush your teeth using this toothpaste on a regular basis, just two times per week.


Caffeinated drinks, herbal tea, soft drinks and wines can easily all lead to severe problems for the teeth enamel of your teeth. As often as possible, make use of a straw to decrease direct contact with tooth enamel. In case consuming your caffeinated drinks or wines out of a straw might be more shameful compared to stained teeth, just be careful to toothbrush after consuming these types of drinks except after consuming white colored wines.


This really is most famous as an effective whitening substance. The fluid is pale cyan color, however looks uncolored once mixed. This helpful and adaptable chemical is used like an antibacterial, disinfectant, oxidizer. Hydrogen peroxide helps prevent the progress of microorganisms, will help to stop bacterial infections and also minimizes unpleasant breath, which frequently results from microorganisms. In fact it is as well a component in tooth pastes, disinfectants and also mouth washes. That is the reason why hydrogen peroxide is perfect as an effective whitening substance as well as a strong component. Hydrogen peroxide for the tooth whitening is a widespread treatment to gain a smile which could brighten up every room. Approved by the FDA like a oral cavity wash, three per cent hydrogen peroxide could be your own solution to whiter teeth. Because of this, it acts upon persistent tooth unattractive stains by degrading their molecules. Dentists make use of hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth, however at a more powerful mixture. Apply approximately as you would professional mouthwash, swirling it around your oral cavity not less than thirty secs before spitting it away. You should never digest hydrogen peroxide.


Although in theory you can mix virtually any two tooth whitening solutions, many people recommend a liquid paste made out of hydrogen perodixe together with baking soda. One particular factor might be that each one produces the delivery method of the other extra powerful. To test this technique, fill a tablespoon of baking soda into a little cup. Combine with an adequate amount of hydrogen peroxide to create a toothpaste. Blend with a spoon or perhaps with toothbrush. After getting a toothpaste similar to texture, use your toothbrush in and scrub brush your pearly whites.


This is likely to be probably the most widely used of the organic teeth whitening home remedies. The chemical response of baking soda with the citrus of fresh lemon juice carries a smile brightening result. Any of these types of components is effective, however as a group these are extremely powerful. Simply brush your teeth using this remedy once every week because it can erode the tooth enamel in case is used too often. In the event that discomfort takes place, the baking soda could be extremely aggressive for the gums, therefore stop use it. If perhaps you’re concerned about harming tooth enamel, consider several of the additional remedies.


Stopping your tooth from staining is less complicated compared to getting rid of stains, which explains why these types of natural tooth whitening and whitening methods are really crucial. Brushing and also flossing have an enormous part in order to keep teeth clean and white colored. Unable to maintain on these practices enables discoloration and tooth caries to creep in, each of which result in staining. For whatever reason, flossing doesn’t appear just as easily to a person like brushing. Nevertheless, a lot of dentists together with hygienists come to an agreement that flossing is much more crucial compared to brushing. Floss two times every day for top, teeth saving effects. Only flossing can effortlessly take away the discoloration between your teeth, assisting them to to appear whiter.


Crunchy foods enables you to take away a lot of the glucose and chemical substances that lead to stains and cavity. Crunchy foods behave like nature’s toothbrush. Basically eating eliminates extra nutrition and microorganisms from your oral cavity. It assists to to scrub away exterior stains. Not just does the structure take away nutrition contaminants and bacteria, nevertheless the acids in the vegetables and fruit pull double work, basically maintaining the teeth whiter.


Getting rid of any remaining nutrition or remains from the teeth enables you to put a stop to discoloration and caries. Occasionally, the most basic remedies are ignored. Basically rinses your mouth immediately after consuming could go far in stopping caffeinated drinks, sugary sodas as well as other discoloration elements from lingering in the oral cavity. Even the swishing drinking water in the oral cavity before consuming tends to make a huge improvement if you can't reach a bathing room to wash or scrub brush your teeth.


The combination of bay leaves together with orange peel can be one of the tooth whitening at home techniques. Dehydrated the orange peel and also natural powder the bay leaves correctly. Use this combination on the teeth, to force them to be whiter.


Commercially toothpastes, tooth gels, together with fluids assist in clear away certain exterior stains. Most of these products and solutions include gentle abrasives, chemical substances, or even polishing elements. In contrast to bleaches, they don't correct the original shade of teeth.


Oil pulling is remedy applied mostly to improve oral healthiness and purify the entire body. The method is really very simple, safe and very affordable. Just take one tablespoon of a natural, natural oil and swish it around in the oral cavity for about 10 to 15 minutes. Push the oil around the oral cavity by way of drinking, sucking and also basically pulling throughout the teeth. After washing, spit away the oil, properly wash your mouth with drinking water and also drink two to three cups of drinking water pure if you are able to.


Apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil are substances which can normally be located in your house. Pour a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil together with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a large mouthed food bowl. Soak your own toothbrush into this and then clean your teeth intensely. Re soak until it gets done. The teeth will be noticeably whiter. You may use two teaspoons in a single glass of normal water for an efficient and sanitary mouth wash as well. This mouth wash likewise helps reduce any kind of swelling of the gums that could occur as your brushing the teeth intensely. 


Tooth whitening strips helps to eliminate tooth stains. These types of strips are extremely slim, practically transparent, because they are covered with a peroxide based whitening solution. You put them on a couple of minutes every day for a week or longer. Good results are noticeable in only a couple of days and last no less than twelve months. The outcomes with strips are much less impressive like with whitening kits, however the strips are simple to operate and basically reliable.


A home tooth whitening kit is made up of carbamide peroxide, a whitening which can eliminate equally strong and surface area stains and also really modifies your genuine tooth shade. For those who have coffee discolored teeth, a tooth bleaching kit will help. With certain kits, you use a peroxide powered gel with a tiny toothbrush to the exterior of the teeth. In some other kits, the teeth whitening gel is in a holder that molds to the teeth. The holder needs to be used every day for thirty to fifty mins for an one week or longer.

A healthful and brilliant smile is certainly some thing to be delighted about. Maintaining a healthy diet, unsurprisingly, will go very far in being sure your teeth keep white colored for a long time to come. However using an collection of natural teeth whitening home remedies will boost the tooth shine. Before going through any kind of treatment, you should consult your dentist or some other health professional.